Priemyselné odvetvia
Využite výhody systému EPLAN pri digitalizácii svojich inžinierskych procesov

Priemyselné odvetvia

Využite príležitosti digitalizácie s riešením EPLAN

Digitalizácia je výzvou pre všetky priemyselné odvetvia. Svet sa mení – stagnácia či krátka pauza nie je variantou pre spoločnosti, ktoré chcú v ére Priemyslu 4.0 zostať konkurenciaschopné. Spoločnosť EPLAN ponúka integrované riešenia pre vaše odvetvia a služby, ktoré vám pomôžu pripraviť vaše inžinierske procesy na budúcnosť.

Your Partner for Standardised Engineering Around the Globe

Machinery and Plant Construction

Integrated control and technical designs and a powerful ECAD platform form the professional foundation for step-by-step automation of processes in engineering and in manufacturing.

EPLAN and Rittal – Your Strong Partners for Sustainable Panel Building and Switchgear Manufacturing

Panel Building

In the entire control and switchgear engineering field integrated process quality improvements is needed. Trust in EPLAN and Rittal as your strong partners.

Numerous Manufacturers, High-Quality Component Data

Component Manufacturer

With the integration of the EPLAN Data Portal into the EPLAN Platform, device data from a large number of component manufacturers is now directly accessible for engineers and planner around the world.

Getting a Flying Start with Engineering Solutions for Manufacturing


EPLAN offers decisive added value for more efficiency: from concept planning, standardisation and detail planning, to manufacturing integration for plant system manufacturers and supplier companies and even for plant system documentation.

Powerful Engineering Software for the Food Industry

Food and Beverage

EPLAN offers you solutions for engineering the control systems of machines and plant systems, supporting you in the creation, production, further processing and packaging of agricultural products into foods and beverages.

Your Engineering Standard for All Industry Sectors

Process Industry

EPLAN offers you data continuity, planning security and optimised processes for the oil and gas industry, the pharmaceutical and chemical industries, and for water suppliers and the wastewater treatment sector amongst others.

Plant System Engineering in Power Plants with EPLAN


Whether for conventional or alternative energy sources, or for high-voltage, medium-voltage or low-voltage network grids: use EPLAN solutions for designing complex switchgear devices and systems and for your network designs.

Your Engineering Standard for Shipbuilding and Port Facilities


From designing cruise ships, constructing yachts and even transport and special engineering: EPLAN offers shipyards and shipping companies worldwide support in integrating their processes into existing PDM system landscapes.

Efficient Planning of Building Automation and Electrotechnical Systems

Building Technology

With EPLAN you can rely on a continuous and consistent database that goes far beyond just the engineering processes – along your entire value chain.

Hodnotenia používateľov & skúsenosti zákazníkov
Hodnotenia používateľov & skúsenosti zákazníkov

EPLAN v praxi

Zistite, ako spoločnosti z rôznych priemyselných odvetví používajú naše riešenia na zvládnutie súčasných technických a ekonomických výziev a na zlepšenie svojej konkurencieschopnosti.

Chytro od návrhu po výrobu? Pripojte sa!
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Ekosystém priemyselnej automatizácie

Ako môžu naše spoločnosti zostať dlhodobo konkurencieschopné? Ako môžeme zefektívniť našu prácu v oblasti elektrotechniky? Ako môžeme transparentne spolupracovať s kolegami a obchodnými partnermi? Softvér EPLAN ponúka odpovede.